How to setup your computer to use Mix Medics HQ Audio Streaming
In order to setup your test call you will need to make sure you have a few pieces of software installed on your Mac by following the below steps.
If you prefer you can watch the following video to see all of the steps in action. You will find the download links below the video.
We use Skype for audio and video conversation as well as screensharing.
If you do not already have Skype installed on your machine, please download it from the below link and create an account. Search the contacts for Mix Medics to find the available trainers. My Skype name is mixmedicssteve
Please email and let me know your Skype name if you haven’t already done so.
We use the Google Chrome browser to power our high quality realtime audio streaming link so we can hear the output of your studio.
If you do not already have Google Chrome installed on your machine, please download it from the below link.
We use Soundflower as a virtual patch cable to route the output of your preferred audio software to our audio streaming connection.
If you do not already have Soundflower installed on your machine, please download it from the below link. Your Mac will require a restart after installation. Please choose Soundflower as an audio device output in your audio software’s Preferences instead of your regular sound card or audio interface. If you are not sure how to do this, don’t worry – we can talk you through this on your test call.
Please visit the below link in Google Chrome (you may need to copy and paste the link if your default browser is Safari). Login using your first name and the passkey mixmedics
If you need any help with any of these steps please contact me in any of the following ways:
Telephone: +44 7958 702476
Skype: mixmedicssteve